Sun-grown hemp has been the trusted standard of organic CBD for centuries. The use of hemp as a medicine dates back to 2737 BC in ancient China when Emperor Shen-Nong of the Chou dynasty described its medicinal uses in his pharmacopeia.
Its medicinal applications were also mentioned in literature from ancient Egypt, Persia, Syria, and Greece. Hippocrates, regarded as the father of Western medicine, used hemp to treat ailments ranging from menstrual cramps to earaches and eye infections.
The peoples of Africa, Asia, and Europe also utilized it for many other purposes, including recreational, industrial use, organic body care, food, and so much more.
This non-psychotropic plant is naturally rich in CBD. Its seeds are used to manufacture food, and its fibers are used to make textiles, paper, and plastics. But the oil extracted from its leaves, flowers, and stalk, contain potent compounds (cannabinoids) famous for their anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, and anticancer properties.
When we consume CBD oil, the natural cannabinoids found in hemp are absorbed by our bodies. Cannabinoids can bond with receptors and cells in various areas of our bodies and interact with neurotransmitters like serotonin, creating a host of wonder effects that modern science has only recently begun to discover and understand.
It's even more impressive that these natural compounds can have such significant impacts when administered in concentrated forms like CBD oil supplements.
Bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness models like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Brady, and Tyson Beckford attest to the power of CBD sports supplements to improve their performance day in and out.
And as the cannabis market expands into more states across America, people realize just how versatile this natural plant is - from its roots in textiles to an alternative source of highly therapeutic treatments for a number of diseases and conditions.
Nature has provided us with this fascinating gift and one that we should make every effort to protect. We can do this by respecting its natural habitat and growing conditions. In fact, we should spread some seeds of love and cooperation around so that others too may benefit from its many uses.